The Latest Advances in Cataract Surgery: What You Need to Know

Cataract surgery is a medical procedure that involves removing the lens from the eye and, in most cases, replacing it with an artificial lens. Normally, the lens of the eye is transparent. However, when a cataract develops, it causes the lens to become opaque, eventually affecting vision. In recent years, there have been many advances in cataract surgery, including laser-assisted surgery and a tool called intraoperative aberrometry (ORA).

This article will discuss the newest procedures for cataract surgery and how they can help improve vision. One of the most recent developments in cataract surgery is a technology called ORA (Optiwave Refractive Analysis). This is a type of intraoperative aberrometry, which is a tool that surgeons can use to take refractive measurements in the operating room. The aim of this technology is to provide optimal power and location of the lens. The Vivity is the first presbyopia correcting intraocular lens (PC-IOL) in its class, available in spherical and toric versions.

Other PC-IOLs haven't been as successful because they focus both distance and near vision simultaneously by interrupting the light's wavefront. This means that patients will see rings and halos at night, which can be a cause for concern. To correct presbyopia, surgeons also have the option of implanting monovision intraocular lenses (one eye at a distance and the other close). However, this method has its own limitations. Vivity intraocular lenses, with their anti-diffractive design, provide greater depth of focus and an extended range of vision, while largely eliminating rings and halos.

My center participated in FDA studies on this innovative lens, and last month we were the first office in the country to implement the toric version. I am excited about this product and I think it will be a success, especially among patients with cataracts who drive a lot at night. For each of these advanced procedures, the Flaum Eye Institute uses a new laser-assisted technology. This can greatly reduce or replace the use of razors and ultrasounds used in traditional cataract surgery. It can also correct astigmatism.

The Flaum Eye Institute is the first regional surgery center to offer this laser-assisted improvement. If you have cataracts in both eyes, your doctor will usually schedule the second surgery after the first eye has healed. However, because cataracts worsen with age, many people end up needing surgery to replace the existing “opaque” lens with a new synthetic one. During phacoemulsification, which is the most common type of cataract surgery, the tip of an ultrasound probe vibrates rapidly to emulsify and break up the cataract before it is sucked out. All devices used in improved cataract surgery are FDA-approved and have been scientifically proven to reduce dependence on eyeglasses and contact lenses. I like going to ASCRS to sit with my colleagues, have dinner and have a drink or two while discussing the latest trends in cataract surgery. In a recent study of 120 patients who underwent cataract surgery, 80 percent had at least one abnormal tear test that indicated ocular surface dysfunction, and 40 percent had two abnormal results.

Tell your doctor if you are taking any medications for prostate problems as some of these medications may interfere with cataract surgery. Significant advances are being made in the field of intraocular lenses, offering patients new options to reduce their dependence on eyeglasses or contact lenses after cataract surgery. Being well-informed allows nurses to advise patients and serve as a reliable source of information as they prepare for cataract surgery. Because optometrists are primary eye care providers for most patients, it's essential that they understand advances in cataract surgery techniques and treatments. In most cases, waiting to have cataract surgery won't harm your eye so you'll have time to consider your options. For example, an important innovation in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS), which was first approved 10 years ago, was automation of capsulotomy which provides greater consistency in concentration of IOL which may affect final position and inclination of lens. Cataract surgery has come a long way over recent years with many advances being made in terms of technology and techniques used.

ORA technology provides optimal power and location of lenses while Vivity intraocular lenses offer greater depth of focus and extended range of vision while largely eliminating rings and halos. Laser-assisted technology can reduce or replace use of razors and ultrasounds used in traditional cataract surgery while also correcting astigmatism. Intraocular lenses offer new options for reducing dependence on eyeglasses or contact lenses after cataract surgery. It's important for nurses to be well-informed about these advances so they can advise patients accordingly. Optometrists should also understand advances in cataract surgery techniques so they can provide better care for their patients.

If you are considering having cataract surgery then make sure you discuss all your options with your doctor before making any decisions.

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